OKOA Kenyan Community Based Organisation

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OKOA's second project is to promote the ecosystem through environmental rehabilitation i.e. Agricultural priorities and social and water conservation.


Through this programme targeted families are trained and supported with skills and support. Targeted families are trained in sustainable agricultural techniques including basic land preparation, planting, care and harvesting knowledge for traditional crops.


Additional techniques include crop rotation, food security and food bank. They also receive skills and techniques on forestation whereby we discourage deforestation because this causes inadequate drainage and soil erosion.


Okoa is addressing this issue towards youth groups, womens groups and in churches and  primary schools. We are targeting 8 primary schools, 6 churches, 4 youth groups and 4 womens groups in all project areas so that skills will enable the targeted groups to improve the environment and also for sustainability amongst themselves.


Additional techniques for group rotation, crop diversification/non-traditional crops, organic fertilizer and pesticides are taught.  PICC (Project implementing centre committee) acts as the bridge between communities and the OKOA.  OKOA also addresses issues on water conservation through spring protection and borehole construction in the community. Through this health issues are dealt with appropriately by training the community proper use of clean water and sanitation at large. As an organization OKOA is targeting to construct (through community participation) 16 and 60 boreholes so to reduce cases of water born diseases such as, typhoid, dysentery, cholera etc.


Through agro forestry we train our targets to practice forestation to rehabilitate the environment properly so that to maintain the local ecosystem.  OKOA trains them on seed collection, seed selection, nursery preparation, seedbed preparation, nursery and seedbed maintenance, seedling preparation, planting and maintenance of the trees in the field.